Kelsy’s Story
Kelsy’s story is like so many other old dog’s stories, but they don’t always have a happy ending. Your dog is there for you no matter what, you are all that matters to them, so be there for them when they need you the most. Don’t let them be alone when their time comes.

One day we went for a ride in the car, like we had countless times before. The family was very quiet the entire drive and no one would even look at me. We pulled up to a building with lots of other dogs inside. They were all crying, my family was too. We walked into the building and I heard my owner tell the lady behind the counter they were leaving me at this place.
Wait, I don’t understand! What do you mean you’re leaving me? You don’t want me? Haven’t I been good these past 17 years? Haven’t I always met you at the door when you came home from work? I faithfully slept by your feet through the night. I’m sorry for the barking! I’m sorry for chewing up your favorite shoes! Please, don’t leave me here! I am cold and I am scared!
The woman behind the desk took my leash, my family scratched my head one last time and told me I was a good girl.. if I’m so good, why can’t I go home with you? My family followed as the woman walked me back to the cage where I would stay. My neighbor was an 8 week old puppy, they took him and left me in this cage. Oh, okay, I understand now….
I don’t know how long I’ve been here but it seems like forever. It’s cold and my bones hurt. I miss my old bed and my family!
HEY!! Who is looking at me! She has kind eyes and she is talking so nice to me! She’s opening the door to my cage! Maybe my family came back! I don’t see them, yet! Where are they!?! Where are we going? I’m scared. The lady with the kind eyes puts me into a car. I like car rides, maybe I’m going home! She drives me to this house, it isn’t my house, but there are other dogs here.
This kind lady is talking to me and petting me. Wow! Look at the nice big bed! Is that for me? There is warm sand all around and it feels so warm on my body. Who’s this? Another one like me? This may not be so bad after all! I have a friend to be with! Wait! What is she doing now? A coat for me!? My bones will be warm now and I am so comfy! Here she comes again!
I think I’m going to like it here!
Woof Woof