Grand-Paws relies upon private donations to help fund our sanctuary. Monetary donations in any amount are always sincerely appreciated. We are an all volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and 100% of your donation directly benefits our dogs.
You can also sponsor a dog with a monthly donation. You can choose a dog you would like your money to help and we will send you a monthly update with a picture of your dog. When you donate through Paypal they will give you the option of an automatic monthly donation. In ‘special instructions’ you can tell us the name of the dog you want to sponsor or you can just let it go for general food and care of our senior dogs. We truly appreciate any amount.
Amazon Wish List
You can purchase items from our Amazon Wish List that will go directly to our dogs. Grand-Paws relies upon private donations to help fund our sanctuary. We are an all volunteer, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and 100% of your donation directly benefits our dogs.
Let’s make these the best years of each Dog’s life!
You can help make a difference in the life of a senior dog by making a donation to Grand-Paws Senior Sanctuary. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. 100% of your donation directly benefits our dogs.
Paypal is safe, easy and secure. Just click on the link above or mail your donation to:
Grand-Paws Senior Sanctuary
PO Box 513
Acton, CA 93510
(661) 286-2066
Email: grandpawsrescue@aol.com
Tax ID # 27-1354219
Thank you!
All sales in the Shop are considered donations and the funds go toward the Dogs at the Sanctuary!